COGEN World Coalition Official Launch Event – recordings and presentations
The Official Launch Event of the COGEN World Coalition took place on 10 May 2022. This special online event was attended by more than 100 energy professionals and industry leaders from numerous different countries. Video recordings and presentations from this event can be found on this page.
The launch event was introduced by David Gardiner – Executive Director of the Combined Heat and Power Alliance (USA) and President of CWC, who emphasized the positive contribution that cogeneration (also known as Combined Heat and Power or CHP) can make in terms of ensuring the most efficient use of clean fuels like green hydrogen, biogas and biomethane (PDF available here).
The programme included a keynote speech by Keisuke Sadamori, Director of Energy Markets and Security at the International Energy Agency (IEA), who spoke about the role of cogeneration in the context of global efforts to cut emissions and increase the uptake of renewable energy sources (PDF available here).
The new Vision Statement of the COGEN World Coalition was introduced by Enzo Losito Bellavigna – Chief Executive Officer of AB Energy and Vice President of CWC.
The CWC Launch Event was hosted and moderated by Kelvin Ross (Editor-In Chief – Power Engineering International, Smart Energy International, The Guide – Enlit Europe).
The event included a Tour of the World which allowed attendees to learn about a variety of cogeneration projects based in different continents. Representatives of 2G Energy, AB Energy, Caterpillar, Clarke Energy and Sime Darby Energy Solutions presented examples of successful CHP projects from Germany, Malaysia, Malawi, Mexico and the USA.
‘Opportunities for Gas Based Cogeneration in Malaysia’ by Dr. Lim Daw Yuen, General Manager, Sime Darby Energy Solutions (PDF available here).
‘A District Heating Success Story in Germany’ by Philipp Nicklaus, Regional Sales Manager (northern Germany), AB Energy (PDF available here).
‘CHP with Biogas in Mexico’ by Carlos Prieto, Sales Director Latin America, 2G Energy International (PDF available here).
‘Hospital Doubles Down on Commitment to Energy Efficiency’ by Kevin Mantel, Account Manager (Gas & Hydrogen), Caterpillar Inc. (PDF available here).
‘CHP with Biogas and Renewable Natural Gas in the USA and Malawi’ by Alex Marshall, Group Business Development and Marketing Director (USA), Clarke Energy (PDF available here).
Final Q&A (question and answer) session moderated by Kelvin Ross (Editor-In Chief – Power Engineering International, Smart Energy International, The Guide – Enlit Europe).
The event ended with closing remarks from Hans Korteweg, Executive Director of the COGEN World Coalition.
You can also watch all of the recordings from the COGEN World Coalition Launch Event on our YouTube channel.
Published: 7 June 2022